
Tractor at work compilation 2020


Primary power sources are many and varied including solar, wind, hydroenergy and geothermal, which may be used to power stationery equipment (wind, hydroenergy), to provide heating or cooling (solar, geothermal) or to generate electricity (wind, hydroenergy) to service a multiplicity of on-farm activities (see also, Energy Sources: Renewable and Non Renewable).
While much remains to be done on small farms in the poorest regions, sufficient progress has been made to accelerate food production in line with population growth (contrary to the Malthusian prediction). In this theme, farm machinery is considered with primary emphasis on engine and motor driven machines and implements and a lesser emphasis on human or animal powered equipment.For individual farmers in the developed world, a tractor is likely to be the key item of equipment as it provides power and mobility for a wide range of mechanical farm operations including tillage, spraying, fertilizing, harvesting, milking and feeding.

Tractor & Machinery
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