
The Most Smoking Tractor Puller in The World | SLÆDEHUNDEN | Danish Tractor Pulling


This has to be the most efficient and fastest full draw ever. Imagine investments in R&D. Great job. I am very impressed.

Bring this beast to the US and let me know when/where to shoot. Sell lots of tickets to watch this live.

It's like he had to turn it off in the first clip or he'd still be shooting that thing. Holy hell what a great combination, punk.

Unfortunately, it looks like he's starting off with two mains and sticking his foot in the supercharged engine for a few seconds to REALLY get what's pulling his ass!

At first I was seriously confused. I could see piles of diesel fumes but heard a big gas V8. Then it got closer....

I would have guessed these were TATRA engines but I was wrong...these are the rumbles from a t55 tank. Noise.

How many trees would you have to plant to cancel out that run...... Love it. I wonder if any of the spectators turned up to that event in a Toyota Prius...?

How many trees would you have to plant to cancel out that run...... Love it. I wonder if any of the spectators turned up to that event in a Toyota Prius...?

That's the most badass tractor I have ever seen watching these videos. It looks like one gas or fuel engine up front ad the diesels in the back, but I would like to know what kind?

Tractor & Machinery
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