
Steiger plowing with Wil-Rich plow.


Wil-Rich: For more than 40 years, Wil-Rich has incorporated its philosophy of continuous improvement into each new series of chisel plows. This tradition continues with the introduction of the 2500 Series Chisel Plow! Our engineers developed the 2500 Series to integrate a more refined design into the first new chisel plow released in almost a decade.

Wil-Rich made the frame of the 2500Series Chisel Plow deeper front to rear to improve the trash flow associated with increased residues from today’s higher yielding crops. The deeper frame also gives the frame added overall strength. By moving to a common frame design, Wil-Rich has also made it easier for you to get the chisel plow you want, whether it’s a level lift or floating hitch.

Tractor & Machinery
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