-Strong language, might not be suitable for small children-
*Fresh from the repair shop, the New Holland 575 square baler is fixed . . . or is it?! In this two-part series , the odds begin to stack up against Farm Girl as she races the approaching storm to fix her baler and finish collecting the hay. But this is only the beginning of her problems!
Sometimes despite your best efforts, life throws you a wrench and you are forced to make the best of it. In this eye-opening two-part series, WTFarm Girl gives you an in-depth look at how farms work. She's onelonleyfarmer trying her hand at the farming life. Big tractor power is handy to have, but means added danger. You don't have to be a wranglerstar to emphasis with her struggles, even those off the ranch face daily bumps in their lives.
But if you know someone else struggling with life right now, go ahead and share the love and send them this video and let them
know you care.
WTFG Gets 'er Done, and they can too!
HELP SUPPORT STRUGGLING FARMS --- WATCH NOW, the Farm that ReFUSED to DIE! https://youtu.be/ln0EtxUmXck
You can even order them a WTFG Gets 'er Done hat to keep them motivated!
Buy hats here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4DBJT6L9WHUX4
Join Farm Girl on her many CRAZY adventures on their NEWLY BUILT family farm on 87 acres in Western Michigan. Born and raised a city-girl, she's finding out everyday what's she's made of as she struggles to make sense of the farming life!
With plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor and lots of mischief, you never know what you'll watch next!
While dairy farming runs thick though the veins of both her grandparents and her boyfriend Erik's grandparents, this is their FIRST real experience running a farm!
With the ever-present threat of agricultural and small farming practices dying-off, Farm Girl shows that anyone can keep old traditions alive with a bit of grit and determination (and maybe some crying).
WTFarm Girl
PO Box 228
Sand Lake, MI 49343
**BUY FARM GIRL HATS or Maple Syrup**
-Hats are $15 each plus $5 shipping per order
Order on www.zansfarm.com
Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/wtfarmgirl
or send me a one-time tip: www.paypal.me/wtfarmgirl
Thanks for all your support!
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- Category
- Tractor & Machinery