
Massey Ferguson 12 Tandem Lawn-Mower Working in The Field Driving Water | Ferguson Days 2018


c) Soil water

Some of the spaces between the particles that make up the soil are filled with soil water. The water that enters and is retained by the soil, accumulates in the pores, leaks or evaporates and returns to the atmosphere is called "Soil water". Since the soil is a porous medium, it has suitable properties for water to enter its body and for some of this water to leak out. The source of soil water is precipitation and irrigation water. soil water; It exists with air in the spaces of different sizes between soil particles and aggregates. The size and amount of soil voids is the most important feature that affects the water holding capacity of the soil and the amount of water it contains.

This; It affects the speed and severity of many chemical and physical events that occur in the soil. Water also regulates the growth and development of many living things, large and small, and plant roots living in the soil.

The movement of water from top to bottom in the soil; It is an important property of soil called infiltration rate.

The sideways movement of water in the soil is by diffusion.

 d) soil air

of an agricultural land; Under normal conditions, 50% of the volume consists of mineral and organic substances, and 50% of the spaces between the soil particles. The cavities are filled with water and air depending on the conditions. The amount of water contained in a soil is closely related to the amount of air in the soil voids. In parallel with the increase in the amount of water in the soil, the amount of air in the voids decreases, and in the case of a decrease in the amount of water, the amount of air in the soil voids increases.

For optimum growth and development of plants, the water and air in the soil cavities must be in balance. Expressed as the most suitable soil condition for plants, the term "soil reaches a pan" is the situation where half of the soil voids are filled with water and the other half with air. Since ideal conditions are provided for the roots of plants grown in such soils, growth and development are positively affected and as a result high yields are achieved.


Purpose of tillage

The sole purpose of tillage, which is the first of the cultivation techniques in plant production, is to destroy the natural vegetation on the soil, namely the plants called weeds.

Weeds with natural vegetation,

a) Rapid growth and development,

b) Ability to establish a good root system,

c) Overcoming extremely hot, extremely dry and extremely humid climatic conditions,

d) Resistance to diseases and pests

e) Excessive reproduction and reproduction

It can easily suppress cultivated plants and prevent their growth and development. In addition, weeds reduce the yield of cultivated plants and lead to decreases in product quality.

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