Loading And Transporting The Huge 107 Tons Komatsu D475AX Bulldozer - Fasoulas Heavy Transport


Amazing Excavators At Work, Heavy Equipment, Heavy Machines, Trucks And Dumpers, Wheel Loaders, Bulldozers In Action, Construction Machines, Construction, Mining Machines, Heavy Transports, Heavy Lifts, Industrial Demolitions, Marble Quarries, Coal Mines, Quarries, Hydraulic Hammers, Crushers and Attachments.
Brands: Caterpillar, Komatsu, Liebherr, Volvo, Hitachi, Terex, Atlas Copco, MAN, Mercedes Trucks, Tesmec.

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#MegaMachinesChannel #HeavyTransport #KomatsuD475 #Bulldozer #HeavyHaulage

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