Little Bigfoot ploughing | Fendt 415 + Lemken plough & packer | Tillage 2022


Some farmers with clay soils prefer to plough their fields in spring. This means the land can be left growing with a cover crop all winter and manure can be applied in spring. Dutch organic farm Bos applies this system. The soil is ploughed at a shallow depth (by Dutch standards) of 15cm/6". With a 'normal' reversible plough this is possible. In order to prevent compaction the Fendt 415 Vario is fitted with all-round dual wheels. The 150 HP tractor handles the big plough with relative ease. It is also pulling a furrow press and finishing roller to consolidate as to not loose moisture and level the surface. We then see an even smaller 100 HP Fendt 310 Vario working with a 4,5m wide Lely power harrow to prepare the soil for planting. Raven RTK-GPS is used to steer the tractors straight.

This field is ploughed cross wise compared to how the crops are grown. This means the lengths are 900m so the capacity is at its maximum and the combination doesn't have to turn a lot. At the headland the trailed press is hooked off hydraulically, the tractor turns, the plough flips over and the press is hooked back on. Quite a clever little system when you think of it.

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