FIAT 1580 DT Turbo | Aratro Moro

The cooperation between the two companies was by no means a one-way street; Hesston got access to tractors of the "40, 46, 66, 80 and 90" series with an output of 54 to 180 hp. In return, Fiat was able to offer its European customers harvesting machines such as balers and forage harvesters from a single source. With the release of the "Series 90" in 1984, Fiat restructured its agricultural engineering division. From then on, all activities in the agricultural sector ran under the name Fiatagri. From then on, combine harvesters, forage harvesters, forage harvesting machines and tractors rolled off the production line with a new logo and color. The individual products always had the name of their original company in a small lettering on the body
Tractor & Machinery
tractors at work, trattori al lavoro 2020, lavori agricoli 2020
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